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ABOVE THE CLOUDS -- See the Problem

Look! The dawning of a new day. This is the day the LORD has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it. This is the day and time that we have realized that all we have been doing just isn't being effective in winning souls for Christ and making a difference in our communities in these hills. For example it has been reported that in Boone county, WV 90 percent of the population is unchurched. It isn't that hard to figure out. In most areas there aren't enough churches to hold the poplulation anyway even if the church buildings were all full. But the fact remains so many church buildings are closed or are closing. The population has turned to drugs, sex, and rock n roll to satisfy the emptiness left without God. We are number one in perscription drug overdoses that lead to death. Last year teenage pregnancy went down, but WV was the only state in which the teen pregnancy rate increased. What is going on? People are hooked on drugs because they have never given God a chance. They have never heard of God, or Jesus Christ except as a curse word. What are we going to do about it. Look down below the clouds and see what we can do. This is our mission and this is why the church is significant and relevant to our day. But if we ever forget our mission and just focus on building up our church then we will loose and so will the communities we are called to serve. What about you? Would you serve them?

Broken!  Stuck!Consider the Problem and the Vision of Fusion.

Below in Reality. We are stuck! God calls on every ministry to love our neighbors as ourselves.

Fusion is a way to allow God to flow through His people like He did in the old days. In the days of the New Testament church the people and the churches worked together. But today we often are too quick to judge before we even know someone. Can Christians of different churches living in the same community work together to bring God the honor and glory? Fusion is the method the law enforcement has utilized to put a stop to terrorism before it gets started.... Each agency pulls together and pools together all known resources from those who will work together to help those who report there is a need of prayer, help, support, and encouragement. They are able to effectively take care of needs before they can become unsurmontable. So many are more worried about their reputation, their jobs, their security, and their ministries that we can't see the forest for the trees. We are quick to minister and send missionaries to far away lands before we are willing to help our neighborhood churches or our fellow Christians. Our denominations are busy making sure the fish bowl is full while so many are dying and going to hell right in our own back doors and within the shadow of our buildings. So consequently the battle is being lost when it comes to our own communities, counties, and neighbors. Since our churches are ineffective locally they are limited to the resources that are available. But we want to make we keep up with our denominational affilations and donations. The circle of loss can be interupted if we are willing to change our focus and join together to show the unity of the body of Christ. This is the fusion that the law enforcement agencies didin't have before 9-11, but now they have been able to join together and share their resources. Can Christians do this?

United Soul Miners Fusion is a Union... United Soul Miners / How?

On the right is my Grandpa Herbert Hellsel George who owned and worked a punch mines in Nicholas County, WV. This is probably the entire crew for that days work including the man taking the pictures. Each man had a job and when each one worked together they could hand load 40 tons of coal before 2pm. They had to work together to accomplish such a task. We all remember how the miners got together to form a union of workers who could accomplish more than they could alone.

Can Churches and Christians do the same thing? I lived in four communities where I have been pastor and there are some unions or associations already in existence. I am not advocating getting rid of these but we need to enhance these, build on these, and build new if necessary right in our own community to reach the community..


Waiting on the Lord Here is a Seven Step Plan to begin Fusion of Believers!

First, join together in prayer and worship. Community prayer meetings and worship services can be started or increased. Can we love one another and the Lord at the same time?.

Second, ask God for a vision and a direction to win your community for Christ. Wait for it but then get with it

Third, share the vision for a unity of believers in the community and sing God's praise to the highest hill.

Fourth, Be willing to work together and to sacrifice your own wants for the needs of the whole. It is better to give than receive. The first will be last. This is God's plan for success. Can you think of another church?

Fifth, Go with the Goers and watch God begin to work in your community through the strength of those who will worship, work, serve God and the community together.

Sixth, What can one church do to help another? What can one Christian say to encourage and support another? Then Do IT! To whom much is given then much will be required.

Seventh, Wait. Don't quit or give up. God is at work on His time. I have always heard that wait is what broke the wagon down. In the coal mines wait was a dirty word and one word that could get you fired. But we must Wait. First, We must feel the need - Do we care about those who are dying without Christ? We must see the need and God's vision to fix it. We must get busy to Work together with fellow soul miners. Finally, we must Wait on the Lord. Wait and rest in Him and His promises. Leave the rest up to Him... .

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